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Hi, I’m 20 Years Old and I Hate Tinder

The only reason I feel like I need to download Tinder is because I feel like there’s this pressure at university to always have a guy you’re talking to or texting, if not dating

I can’t say I hate it, because what’s to hate about an app whose only aim is to bring together people who want to be brought together? Plenty of people have met their soulmates on Tinder or had a good night or a fun story to tell because of it, but it’s not for me.

Not to say I’m against a good hookup – does saying a good hookup make me sound old? My problem is that I get bored quickly. I like hooking up with people I’ve just met at a party or someone I’ve been crushing on for a while, but I don’t have the energy to message someone for a few days and exchange pleasantries only to go over to their house that night and maybe (quite possibly) not be attracted to them, or to find out they’re a bit of a creep.

Even with dating, I find Tinder is not really worth the time. People giving dating advice say that you have to go on a bunch of bad dates until you finally find the one, which is fine. I’m fine with wasting an hour of my day on date, but I’m not down to waste hours leading up to that day texting someone all the time and asking someone I’ve never met how their day was. Continue reading