Category Archives: Latin Bride Documentary

Just how to have sexual intercourse having a virgin? What It’s Like to Be an “Old” Virgin

GQ talked to 40 individuals about why they waited.

Being a virgin later on in life could be, possibly most importantly things, an latin brides for marriage experience that is incredibly isolating. It is not only an extremely stigmatizing label—only strengthened by news tropes that suggest that older virgins are only punchlines—it’s also rarely talked about openly, truthfully, or with any degree of compassion.

We talked to about 40 individuals who stayed virgins it’s like to be a “late”-in-life virgin—why they waited, the obstacles they faced, and what sex was like when they finally had it until they were at least 22 (five years after the average age at which Americans lose their virginity, according to the CDC) to see what.

Needless to say, also asking individuals why they “waited” implies some degree of universal experience, some nonexistent “right time. ” The causes people provided for losing their virginity later on had been all around the map. Continue reading