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‘Primary Match’s’ Joey Sasso And you can Kariselle Snowfall Is actually, Better, The ultimate Suits, States Astrology

If you’ve been tuning into Netflix’s new reality dating show Perfect Match, then you know that Joey Sasso and Kariselle Snow, a.k.a Jariselle, are stuck together like glue (and, uh, are arguably the best pairing on the show). May I be so bold enough to say they might even win the whole thing? (IDK, will have to keep watching to find out, but I’m betting on this New Jersey-New York love story taking the “W.”)

ICYDK, the newest cast from Perfect Match is chock full of exes. Spoiler alert: In the first episode of the 12-part series, it’s revealed that Joey, who previously starred in and won the first season of Netflix’s The Circle, has history with both Kariselle, former star of Netflix’s Sexy Beasts, and Netflix’s Also Beautiful To cope with alum Francesca Farago. While things between Joey and Francesca seem to be totally over, when Joey sees Kariselle walk into the villa, sparks fly all over again. “There’s no doubt in my mind that life, God, whatever you want to call it, brought us together for this,” Joey told Women’s Health about his on-screen reunion with Kariselle. “Because we have been in each other’s lives for so long, and this was our chance to really give things a real shot… We started so rocky, and we had to get a lot of things from the past out of the way. Then, it was like, ‘Let’s do this thing and let’s do it together.’”

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So, while things seem to be going well for this pair, despite a few hiccups, will they make it until the end? Well, intuitive astrologer Rachel Lang definitely believes there’s potential for these two. “Joey and Kariselle have their Sun signs near the same degree of Sagittarius, which means they’re conjunct,” Lang explains. Continue reading